Sunday, July 17, 2011

Medical Friday

Friday while most of the volunteers had left for Agra, we had the opportunity to go to a small colony to help the medical team. As the van pulled up to this small colony, I was instantly humbled by the small little huts these people lived in. As we walked down the row of huts we saw the patients move towards us getting ready to be seen by the doctor and get their bandages changed.

It still amazes me to see how these people live. I just couldn't imagine living like that. We set up our stations and supplies and got ready to see the patients. We had one station where they took blood pressure and tested blood sugar (i think). And then we had stations to remove bandages, wash, remove debris, and re-bandage. Since they need to document the ulcers and I had my camera - I was put in charge of that.

This man below has a woden stump for right leg. He spoke Hindi so I was able to use the little Hindi I had learned in Northern India to ask him his name. They were so grateful for our help.

To be able to serve these wonderful people like this has been such a blessing. Each day I am amazed at the love I feel for these people. I don't think love has ever come so quickly to me for someone. I feel as though God has blessed me with the ability to see these people as he sees them. I see the good and beauty within them and I feel so blessed to be able to meet them.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Sirungozhi Rd,,India

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